Hiring a WordPress Developer
In early stage of WordPress, it was more of blogging software but now developers are using it very innovatively like using it as website CMS software similar to Joomla and Drupal. Because of its strong SEO related compatibilities and support, thousands of paid or free plug-ins, widgets, and themes are available to download and integrate to provide all required tools for developing a full featured website.
WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), often used as a blog publishing application, powered by PHP and MySQL. WordPress is licensed under the GPL. WordPress features integrated link management; plug in architecture enables users and developers to extend its functionalities. WordPress is a free, Web-based software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog. It was originally intended as an easy way to set up a blog. But, thanks to the efforts of a large “open source” community of WordPress programmers working to extend and improve its capabilities, WordPress has become much more than just a tool for bloggers. WordPress has in-built Ajax features in its components and modules. Focused on user experience and web standards it is a mature and stable product.
Hiring a WordPress developer is the best option out there in the market these days if you wish to grow your business without really expanding and spending on infrastructure and hiring on roll employees.
WordPress developers possess following skills set:
WordPress Theme Creation and Integration
WordPress Plug-in Development and Customization
WordPress Widget Development and Customization